Sunday, April 26, 2009

Musical Pharmacology

The New York Times reports on interesting research in Austria on concentrated musical prescriptions for specific medical conditions. I'm not sure that I buy the title of "musical pharmocologist," especially when donned by a former music promoter with no scientific credentials. This is the sort of talk that makes people understandably leery of serious discussion of the mind-body-music connection. But the research is exciting, as is any occasion when the Times deigns to dedicate a full page spread to the topic.

I, of course, love to Heal with Bach.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree. It is wonderful to read articles on the powerful affects music can have. I also believe listening is only a small part of the equation. Creating, moving to, and selecting are also important parts of music in treatment. I wish the writer had interviewed a music therapist to learn more.